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in Microsoft Office by
If you run bcdedit with no arguments, you should see a property called hypervisorlaunchtype.  This will be set to off or auto.

To disable Hyper-V in order to use VirtualBox, open a command prompt as administrator and run the command:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

You’ll need to reboot, but then you’ll be all set to run VirtualBox. To turn Hyper-V back on, run:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

and then reboot

1 Answer

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You can also use BCDEDIT tool to clone a boot profile then disable the launch of the hypervisor and switch between the two on boot!

1. Launch as administrator a command window
2. Run BCDEDIT with no parameters to obtain the current boot GUID, copy to clipboard
3. “bcdedit /copy {current-boot-GUID} /d “Hyper-V Enabled”
4. Run BCDEDIT with no parameters to obtain the new boot GUID for Hyper-V enabled, copy to clipboard
5. “bcdedit /set {new-boot-GUID} hypervisorlaunchtype auto
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