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Linux renew ip command

The -r flag explicitly releases the current lease, and once the lease has been released, the client exits. For example, open terminal and type the command:
$ sudo dhclient -r
Now obtain fresh IP:
$ sudo dhclient

How can I renew or release an IP in Linux for eth0?

To renew or release an IP address for the eth0 interface, enter:
$ sudo dhclient -r eth0
$ sudo dhclient eth0
In this example, I am renewing an IP address for my wireless interface:

sudo dhclient -v -r eth0
sudo dhclient -v eth0

Other options in Linux to renew dhcp

There is no need to restart network service. Above command should work with any Linux distro such as RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu and others. On a related note you can also try out the following commands:
# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0
### RHEL/CentOS/Fedora specific command ###
# /etc/init.d/network restart
### Debian / Ubuntu Linux specific command ###
# /etc/init.d/networking restart 

nmcli command (NetworkManager) to renew IP address in Linux

The NetworkManager daemon attempts to make networking configuration and operation as painless and automatic as possible by managing the primary network connection and other network interfaces, like Ethernet, WiFi, and Mobile Broadband devices command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager. The nmcli is a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager and getting its status. To renew IP address using nmcli for connection named ‘nixcraft_5G’ (use ‘nmcli con‘ command to get list of all connections):

nmcli con
nmcli con down id 'nixcraft_5G'
nmcli con up id 'nixcraft_5G'

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